Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Spanish and Art

Now that Margie is with a new charter school, she has the option to take some classes on campus. This is a great chance for her to not only take classes in things she is interested in, but also to meet new friends and for her and I to have a sometimes-needed break from each other.

So, this past Monday, Elliott and I dropped the big girl off and we romped away to a mom-friendly coffeehouse where I got some work done via free wi-fi and E played in a supervised playarea.

We left with plenty of time to get the girl and spent some time wandering the halls while waiting for her class to get out. Here's a picture of her in front of the school on the way back to the car:

first day

She says that in Spanish class, she learned weather terms, and played BINGO. The teacher sent home a CD and a book we can follow along in and do activities in - I really like the looks of it so far. In art, they read the story Tar Beach and created pictures in the style of it. I'm going to try to grab a copy of this book from the library soon to poke through here at home.

After "paying" for these classes out of the funds we are allotted each semester, we still had $100 left, so I went to Lakeshore and picked out a bunch of things we can have fun with here at home. Balance scale, magnets, number unit blocks, paints, and etc. Not bad, I think.

So... so far so good. Here's hoping we are off to a good experience with this new school!

1 comment:

Aisling said...

I love hs classes, the hour here or there that the child can spend with someone else is nice, and it's SO much better than the whole days. I want a balance scale. Thats going to be one of my taxrefund hs purchases.