Monday, June 16, 2008


I think I forgot to finish updating last week. Off the top of my head I remember we... Looked at my JW Waterhouse book and talked about studies of art, Greek myths, Shakespearean plays, saints & martyrs, not to mention styles of art. We searched for letters in freeway signs. Margie made her dad some Father's Day art and practiced writing "Happy Father's Day". I registered the kids for the summer reading program - turns out they are going by time read instead of number of books. I guess our goal, then, is 24 hours. For Margie. I will be thrilled if Elliott meets the first goal of 6 hours - it's not that he doesn't like books, it's just that he doesn't have the attention span yet.

So. Today.

~M & E played all morning, watching a little TV.
~M & I read for about 20 minutes. She read one book to me.
~Naps. M did not have one.
~After nap time, M caught me looking up Summer Solstice crafts and she poked around on Enchanted Learning a bit while I tended to E.
~M colored some Solstice coloring pages.
~We ran to the grocery store.
~Came back home and pretty much just lazed around. The kids are not feeling well and I can't blame them for being out of whack when they feel sick.

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