Tuesday, July 01, 2008


~We went to the library this morning for a Wildlife show. We saw bugs and their predators (since the Reading Program's theme this summer is about bugs). There were millipedes, walking sticks, scorpions, toads, an alligator and a cute fuzzy thing that wasn't an ant eater.
~Before the program we scrambled around gathering books we wanted to check out - some Fourth of July ones and M picked a few that looked interesting to her as well.
~M read to herself while I made lunch.
~At naptime I read Baby Rattlesnake to the kids.
~After naps, the kids ate a snack and listened to the first half of Rikki Tikki Tavi.
~And then Margie requested the second half.
~Kids played together.
~M and I worked on her speech for about half an hour. It's the first time this summer we got to it, but I plan to make it regular again now. Her L's are doing SO well.
~I left for a UU meeting.
~Dad read M a book about ducks at bedtime.

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