Photo was taken yesterday when Summer was here. Obviously.
~M played with a boat in the bathroom sink.
~E & mom built a house out of lincoln logs.
~M & E spent about .15 seconds playing Lincoln Logs together before fighting.
~E spent the next hour screaming at me.
~Snack time
~M's EF came by to go over the rest of our paperwork.
~When she was leaving, M wanted to show her the butterfly pupas so I went into my bedroom to get them and discovered that one had hatched! I have been watching them so this happened quite quickly. One down, four to go!
~We mixed up some sugar water, per the directions that came with the caterpillars, soaked a paper towel in it and placed it in a bowl and in the habitat.
~We observed the butterfly and saw her meconium which was red.
~M played on the San Diego Zoo's kid website and did some quizzes.
~Read one chapter in Nim at Sea at naptime.
~After naps we ran some errands: bank and grocery shopping.
~We got home much later than I expected so I ran around like mad putting all the groceries into the house - the essentials only into the fridge, fed myself, and flew out the door for my own acupuncture appointment. Alex had arrived during all this, by the way. I did not leave my kids at home to fend for themselves.
~Alex fed the kids dinner.
~He took them to the playground where they stayed for about half an hour and where Elliott climbed "so high!" We are very proud of him.
~Home just in time for bedtime. Kids were exhausted. Elliott was, anyway. Alex read "10 in Bed" to Margie at bedtime.
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