Monday, June 30, 2008


~M & I finished reading Nim at Sea! Took us awhile, but it was a great book - almost as good as the original!
~M tried reading to E but he was only sporadically interested.
~M had an acu appt today. While she was in the acu room, E and I sat in the midwifery room with the toy box and played with puzzles, shapes and trains. E called the arrow shape a "sign" shape LOL
~M read a board book before we left.
~We listened to the Webkinz Webcast in the car - M did not win their recent contest. Oh well.
~Grocery store to get dinner.
~Home for a rest. Kids watched PBS for awhile.
~M & I began reading The Secret Garden. It's very hard to read while Elliott is (literally) screaming for my attention. *sigh*
~E looked at a book about numbers briefly before screaming again.
~Snack time.
~E screamed for PBS some more. Short nap today did not make his three-year-old-ness any easier to handle. Countdown to bedtime!
~M watched Orangutan Island while eating her snack.
~We took a short walk around the block (or partway) and looked for letters and other things we were interested in.

alley way

there's an a on my shirt

another letter a

the letter a (and g)

~Back at home the kids were whiny and shouty so I threw them both in the bath to cool them off. And to wake E up b/c he was soooo tired.
~I read another chapter of The Secret Garden while they splashed.
~After bath they watched a Disney Sing-A-Long and I made dinner.

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