WTF? I seriously hope this is not becoming a trend b/c I cannot handle such a one.
Anyway, Alex let me sleep in!
Alex spent time with E and the MagnaDoodle. If you draw a happy face, E says, "Me!" If you add hair, then it's, "Ma!" and if you give it glasses then it's, "Da!"
Switch places w/ dh. Make some coffee & a bagel. Hang out here on the computer.
There was a small skirmish over some crayons but everyone is content now. No idea what plans are today. Alex and I were supposed to have some time alone today but w/ E's runny nose I'm not so sure I should send him to Grandma's. I mean, I KNOW it's just a runny nose, but it was *just* a runny nose that lead to his febrile seizure and I'm still healing from that. He has not been sick since.
Anyway, so, no. No plans yet today.
We've just puttered around all morning. M & E roughhoused a good bit of the time this morning. About this time (you know, 11:30?) E brought out the marbleworks and we played with that while I made lunch (God bless Trader Joe's!).

M wakes up dad so I can take a shower. I've been swiffering my walls for spiderwebs. I canNOT believe how many we had. I wondered if we should have left them up until after Halloween?
Alex and I have eaten. Now we're all getting ready to give E a nap in the car.
E sleeps in the car.

We passed a Smart Car (behind us in the picture) and talked about that. We hit the Grocery Outlet and picked up some organic cookies for cheap.
Dropped kids off at Grandma's. Alex and I got to play by. our. selves.
Picked kids up, had our belated pancake dinner for the Harvest Moon. M didn't eat much b/c her molar is growing in and giving her a hard time. I have her some teething tablets.
Alex ran out w/ M real fast to go to Target to buy her a small gift he'd promised her yesterday after coming home empty-handed from the swap meet. E will pick his out later this week.
Alex is reading M her bedtime story now. I'm gonna hop in the shower and put E to bed. Crossing fingers that he rests well tonight.
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