Sunday, September 30, 2007


Five-forty-stinkin-five AM this morning. First E was fussing in his sleep. Then I dared to pee. Then Alex got up b/c it was time to get ready to leave anyway (he's selling at the swap meet today). That made E start crying. That made M wake up. All hope for sleeping in just a *little* longer was crushed. I made my way out to the couch and grumped around a bit, then started bawling, then finally passed out while PBS babysat for me. I don't do well with no sleep.

While I was crying, M was petting my back and hugging me. It was just about the sweetest thing ever.

I wake up and am so tired I actually watch Barney.

Peel myself off the couch and stumble into the kitchen for breakfast time. I serve a first class meal of white bread. *sigh* Suck down some coffee while I sit here. I'm still tired, but my senses are returning to me.

What's that? This is supposed to be about homeschooling? Oh. Right.

We were going to go to the moon festival today, but I'm not at all sure how two kids who woke up before sunrise will do. We'll see how it goes, I guess.

We've had a snack, cleaned up, found more fruit flies (tossed the damn acorns), found Indian meal moth larvae - gross! gross! gross! gross!!! - (put all the decorative corn in ziplock bags).

That's it so far. We're about to head out to do... something...

Finally in the car. E fell asleep right away. We hit the McD's drive-thru (it's been a long time and I wanted to treat them) and let E nap. Went looking for model homes to tour for fun. No such luck.

E woke up and ate his nuggets. We stopped at Vons and Longs on the way home. I told M Longs is a drugstore and she looked up at me, very worried, and asked, "You aren't going to go to drugs are you??" *snicker* So I explained what drugstores are and how any kind of medicine is a drug. When we left she asked why I didn't get my drugs.

I did, however, get a few Autumn decorations on sale. I have so few true Autumn decorations - most is Halloween.

E went to stand over by the record player. I asked what he was doing and he replied, "bo bo." (poo poo) I asked if he wanted to sit on the potty and he said yes. So we did. And... nothing. But he sat there! That's 100 x better than last time.

M played outside until she snuck an otter pop and I told her to get in here.

Alex got home, finally.

Alex & Margie brought Mexican food home again.

Alex just left for a party. He promises to be home by 8pm. We'll see. (update: home by 9:30)
Kids are watching The Very Hungry Caterpillar & other Eric Carle stories on VHS.
One hour till bedtime.

E develops a stuffy/runny nose. Just in time for bedtime. Isn't that always the way??

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