Friday, September 28, 2007


The rest of the family gets up. I mean to, I swear, but the next thing I know, it's 7:30. Too late to exercise.

Alex heads off to work. I turn on Playhouse Disney b/c I'm feeling happily lazy this morning. I fix some coffee and hope online.

After doing some work online, some homeschool research, and some playing, I've earned myself a headache. So the TV goes off, M's turn to play on the computer, and I fix myself a bagel, and some motrin. Make the bed. Nurse a second cup of coffee while reading for 30 minutes. I figure that everyone says your kids should see you read - it promotes reading, right? - so really, I'm educating them that way.

Kids get a snack. I figure I better start writing all this down before I forget. I plan to read our Autumn books, watch one or two videos we got from related to autumn (sorta), finish our lapbook, do a few workbook pages, and maybe take a walk around the golf course b/c that's the closest thing to a nature trail I can think of in town.

~done two addition worksheets using the abacus to count.
~M read a book about fall to me
~we talked about hibernation & migration
~made an apple-stamp painting on the front of teh lapbook
~cleaned up
~while I cleaned up, the kids helped themselves to the paint and more mess

e paints, too


I'm hungry. I feel an early lunch coming on.

As soon as M is done with the "silly puppet" she is making me, she and I will work on writing the words for her lapbook.

E made art
(e did that)

silly rabbit puppet
(silly puppet)

Lunch. I put on Winged Migration to watch while we ate. We didn't get far, but the kids are interested, so we'll pick it up later on.

M & I working on her lapbook. She did some cutting and writing for it. E sat at the table playing w/ the napkin holder and sometimes writing.

Winged Migration again. The kids are running around like crazy. Not exactly the winding-down I had in mind. I'm gonna go make my (breakfast) shake and then it will be naptime.


Naptime. M requested And Tango Makes Three which is just about the sweetest story I can think of . We talked about how Central Park is a little like Balboa Park and hopefully someday going to there. We want to see Tango!

Kids awake and we have a snack and talk about Jim Henson and some of his darker movies (labrynth, etc) and how they are Fairy Tales even if the stores are relatively recent. Also that Star Wars is a fairy tale, too.

M & I work on her lapbook. We're almost done, but she heard the kids outside and got distracted. I got frustrated with her and it ended sourly. I put it away until tomorrow.

We all go into M's room where M and I start deciding what toys to clear out. Alex is going to the swap meet tomorrow so now's the chance to get rid of stuff! I also tried organizing a bit, but I got super tired.

Winged Migration is back on and the kids are watching it. They've been flying around like birds, playing w/ Beanie Baby birds, E's been putting a bucket on my head and face and nursing off and on. Just smacked me b/c I won't nurse him anymore.

Alex is bringing Mexican food home and should be here soon!

After dinner I'd like to pop some popcorn and sit down to watch Fly Away Home. Bedtime is around 9pm tonight.

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