Saturday, November 03, 2007

Halloween Week

We've stayed busy this week with Halloween and Dia de los Muertos stuff.

Tuesday night we carved our pumpkins. Margie chose a Blue's Clues design, Elliott directed me which shapes he wanted for the eyes, nose and mouth. I made a failed Harry Potter design. And Alex made a freehand design.

the jacks today

Wednesday morning we headed over to the library where they had a special story time followed by a trick-or-treat through the library. Took a good nap and had a quiet afternoon at home roasting pumpkin seeds, coloring Halloween pictures and watching Halloween movies.

pumpkin seeds

coloring halloween pictures

When Alex got home, we headed out to Trick or Treat!

Elliott dressed as Blue:

Margie as Madeline:

When we got home we sorted through the candy, the kids decided which pieces they wanted to keep to eat, and we set the rest aside to get rid of because I'm a mean mom and won't allow candy in the house on a regular basis.

the loot

Thursday we celebrated Dia de los Muertos by visiting my grandparents' grave. Leaving them an offering was a great excuse to get the candy out of the house, too. I also left a picture of them I had not used in the altar I made.


In the afternoon we made pan del muertos, a traditional Mexican bread to celebrate the holiday.

Friday we didn't do much aside from the usual worksheets and a stop at a playground (first time since the fires, it felt SO good to be outside!). It was a nice way to unwind after such a big week. Hope you had a great holiday, too!

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