Saturday, May 10, 2008


~After much lazy Saturday morning activities (or lack thereof) I got out the blocks and Elliott and I spelled out "JUMP". he proceeded to spell it again a couple of times, correcting his mistakes as I sounded it out for him. I do believe he may have begun the road to spelling.
~Margie (after putting away her folded laundry) took the time to build towers for E to "huff and puff" and kick down. She worked hard to maintain her patience and she did well.
~We dropped the boy child at grandma's house and the other three of us spent the day at the Historic Homes Tour. It was long, often boring, with plenty of waiting in lines, but Margie did awesome and really enjoyed herself. We learned a bit about the history of our town (how much she heard, I have no idea), saw a lot of original architecture (and she was asking questions, too), saw some lighting fixtures that were half gas and half electricity, saw some amazing views from the tops of houses (once quite literally on the roof), learned about milk doors (for the milkman to deliver milk each morning), and had lemonade and cookies in a garden afterwards. We stopped at a table manned by the Garden Club and when I mentioned who my grandmother was, they burst into a flurry of affection. I pointed out her namesake standing by my side and it was really great for M to see how loved my grandmother was. I think she will remember that moment for awhile.
~After we were done, we hit Target, gave the boy a nap in the car, and stopped at a playground to play.

Doesn't look like much on paper, but it was a full and lovely day.

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