Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Life. Is. Busy. I feel it slowing down soon - tomorrow is my son's birthday and so I think the festivities are nearly over. In any case, once again, I begin the entry in the evening. Let's see what I can remember.

~The kids ate breakfast and played while I cleaned up. the TV was on, but as soon as Elliott wasn't looking, I switched it to a local morning show. For some reason the quiet turned-off TV draws him in and he begs for it, but if it's on with something boring, he plays nicely by himself. Go figure.
~I pulled out a bunch of magazines we got from a friend - TONS of ZooNooz (the SD Zoo magazine you get with a membership) so Margie looked at those for awhile. She then compared some of the animals to a new book we'd gotten at Costco (also a SD Zoo book) like the West African Crowned Crane.
~Margie's teacher, Cherryl, came by to pick up this month's paperwork and to talk about what M has done in the last month. We talked about the Oak Meadow curriculum which I had been poking through - turns out, I can totally use the school's books for free next year so I am definitely doing that. I may also take advantage of the yearly sale at Oak Meadow's website and buy some stuff to go along with the curriculum like books or crafty stuff (probably not crafty stuff).
~While Cherryl was here, I turned on the Chicka Chicka Boom Boom DVD for Elliott.
~After lunch we headed out to give E a short nap on the way to M's speech appt.
~M did spectacularly at her appointment - her therapist just loves her. She said that Margie energized her. *snicker*
~Back at home I had to concentrate on dinner and cleaning up and making muffins for breakfast tomorrow so we really didn't do much else. The kids played (mostly) well together and had early bedtimes.

When I next post, my bebe will be THREE!

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