Wednesday, June 25, 2008


~M read to me two books this morning (To Think That I Saw it on Mulberry Street and Inside Outside Upside Down).
~We listened to a good portion of Sarah Plain and Tall on CD in the car.
~We went to the sprinkler park.

they both look so....  happy?

again!  he had fun!

~Elliott sat on the potty before we left. But he did not pee.

on the potty

~We got some groceries and lunch at Trader Joe's.
~Went to the library for storytime and a craft but were turned away due to it being too full. If this is the theme of this summer, I will be ANNOYED.
~M played at her friend's house.
~After dinner M finished the dog bead art thingie.

bead dog

~At bedtime dad read M a story.

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