Thursday, February 08, 2007

Long time no update.

We've been through a variety of "methods" in the past few months and now, M is officially enrolled at Greater San Diego Academy homeschool charter. We chose this one based on the fact that it's the only one which would accept her at this age. ;) The cut off for early admission kindergarten at most schools is that a child must turn 5 before April 1, but this one's cut off is May 1. For some reason.

In any case, I am going to try to keep a rough log of what we do here so I can turn it in to our consultant who will log it for us. Probably most of what I log here will be copied and pasted from my favorite AP message board's homeschooling forum.


Thursday 2/1
Several chapters in Charlotte's Web.

Saturday 2/3
went to balboa park and saw some sort of bird of prey I've never seen before. It looked like a hawk or falcon,but had a spotted tal and spotted wings. (likely a sharp-shinned hawk, looks like this:

We also saw a man playing the didgeridoo (and other musicians), six different brides (new grand total ), watched a man blowing glass, peeked in at the gem & mineral society (where my grpa used to work ), played with an actual pay phone in a booth , took our annual family photos in the booth at MOPA, and rode the little train.

Monday 2/5
Story time at the library. After that registered M for her very own library card and she chose four books to check out.

Read a chapter in Charlotte's Web.

Tuesday 2/6
Meeting @ school. Checked out two books which we read later. M finished a Nemo puzzle.

Met some friends at a park, played and rode bikes. A lady showed up with two dogs so the kids got to play with the dogs and learn about them.

Wednesday 2/7
Began reading Meet Kirsten (American Girls). Read three chapters. Consulted a map to talk about the trip from New York to the Mississippi and then to Minnesota. Also the boat trip from Sweden to New York. Talked about how we've been to the Mississippi and we located St. Louis, Illinois, Moussuri and San Diego on the map.

M played on while I looked at the Reading book, later we all played outside with the neighbors.

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