Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Tuesday 9/25

I got more sleep last night than the night before, but somehow just can't wake up yet.

M is coloring with new crayons that Daddy brought home last night (especially for construction paper). E is watching Barney for a little while while I unclog my mind. We watch a lot of TV.

Anyway, will do some stuff on here while I drink my breakfast shake. Will check in again when I know what's going on.

TV has not gone off yet.

M played on for about 30 min. I decided to start organizing her room. E went back and forth between me (and her room and toys) and the TV.

I'm nowhere near done in her room, but I'm done emotionally! It's tiring! Especially the part about hiding all the toys I'm getting rid of!

I'm about to serve snacks and then we'll head to the grocery store.

I think today we'll just work on some projects I have planned for here at home.

*sigh* M is having a meltdown.

We have a surprise project going on to see what, exactly, the fruit flies are interested in. Woot.

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We found a bunch of fruit flies hanging around the altar so we sorted out all the different things we thought might be attracting them to see which they gathered to.

We went to the grocery store where I grumbled the whole time (seriously, WHY do they have to stock the produce department during the day? This place has crazy sales like 3 cantaloupes for $1 so everyone in town (and Tijuana) come to their produce department and they stock it while everyone is trying to shop.) ANYWAY... We fought our way through without me officially losing my patience (just unofficially) and we came home.

I gave Margie some worksheets - she helped choose them today - and she did most of them. Elliott colored while she worked, then they colored together.

They played for about 30 minutes in her room and I cleaned up, and farted around online a bit.

And there's our answer to todays' science project.
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Lunchtime. A few more meltdowns from M. Bedtime. We read a book about the equinox and cultural celebrations for it.

And now here I shall relax.

This afternoon there have been promises of a playgroundinal nature made as well as an experiment we read in the naptime book using the globe and a flashlight. Crap. That's if there are batteries. Anyway, I'd also like to show her some pictures of lapbooks online and maybe we can start working on an Autumn one together.

M woke up from her nap on the wrong side of the bed and threw a decorative pillow at my face (decorative meaning "with hard corners"). But she worked it out somehow and we headed off to Target. Poked around at the school supplies clearance, but didn't find much of anything today. We did get a math workbook for M for $1.81 and I accidentally stole some erasers.

Anyway, we came home and after I popped some popcorn, I got sucked into the computer but the kids amused themselves - E was playing, and M was copying words from wherever she could find them.

I showed M some lapbooks online and we started talking about the autumn one we'll work on tonight.

Dinner and then M sat on my lap, E at my side, and we watched a couple National Geographic Shorts Podcasts - one on Kinkajous, one on a baby cobra's first hunt, and one on bugs in candy.

Dh is home and brought some incredibly stinky crayons and now the kids are jumping on him.

They will get a bath tonight and we will start working on the lapbook and that is all AFAIK.

Never did get to the equinox/globe/flashlight demonstration tonight. But M cracked open her new workbook and did a bunch of pages - haven't looked at them yet - and E sat with us at the table coloring on his own worksheets. I started cutting out some stuff for the lapbook.

Kids are in bed now. Mom's turn to relax!

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