Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Margie did some more math worksheets this morning on her own. She's gonna finish that whole book within a day at this rate!

Plans for today:
~Finish our lapbook
~Get money order for rent
~Camp Fire this afternoon

I think that's all I will plan for today.

We played with Beanie Babies and Littlest Petshop for a bit. I checked M's math pages while the kids had a snack. Had her correct the few mistakes there was.

We went and ran our errands, picking up two more workbooks - one per kid. Listened to Sesame Street music in the car - especially the number songs.

M did a few pages as soon as we got home. E had insisted on carrying his into the grocery store.

I fed them lunch and decided it was OK to let them watch Big, Big, World on PBS (not to be confused with Big Wide World also on PBS now). Then E and I looked at a Blue's Clues book and he ran off to join his sis in playing Littlest Petshop. Bedtime came and we cleaned it up and read "Pretzel" the story of a weiner dog Now thay are alseep.

2:45 kids wake up.
3:00 kids have snack
3:45 arrive at camp fire late
4:30 e pukes on mom
4:48 arrive at home, peel off clothes, hop into jammies. declare the school day over and turn on TV
6:17 kids are (both) eating dinner. I think maybe he was just choking on a mouth stuffed FULL of pear...? time will tell.

No more puking, E is fine. He does that sometimes. Weird kid.

Margie worked on her workbooks some more and drew a ton of pictures and wrote words all over them. I'm SO in love with how well she's doing in that considering only two (or so) weeks ago she declared math hard because she wasn't good at writing numbers. Now she writes letters and numbers like nobody's business and I can barely remember how hard it used to be for her. Considering she didn't even draw more than scribbles a year ago, I'd say she's come amazingly far.

Anyhow, they had a fun evening with the TV on the entire time while mom recovered emotionally from a stressful afternoon.

I'd planned a pancake dinner in honor of the Harvest Moon (b/c pancakes are shaped like a full moon and are made of stuff you, you know, harvest), but we ended up scratching around for easy-to-cook stuff like organic mac & cheese and etc.

I'm rambling now. Homeschool party tomorrow!

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