Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Frack. I typed an entry (or the beginnings of one) and it got eaten by cyberspace. Pft.

Suffice it to say that Alex has the day off.

~M woke up early and played on while the rest of us slept.
~M looked at a Spanish language version of a Mr. Magorium book.
~E watched Wonderpets.
It's an odd day. We'll get in gear in a bit.
~Scratch that. Alex just took the kids to pick up his mom and grandma from his grandma's surgery. I'm ALONE. I think I will do some work. Woot!
~OK. So. It was a weird day. After Alex brought them home, we ran an errand and then I had to leave for my acupuncture appointment. By the time I got home, it was late and bedtime was just around the corner.
~I did, at one point, notice Margie tracing her hand and feet on the aquadoodle. She did a great job! She drew two "buttons" on the hand and called it a Mickey Mouse Glove.
~OH. And at bedtime I sang Elliott the alternate version of the Happy Birthday Song and at the last line, "And you look like one, too!" He paused, and then added, "Three!" Smart boy, that one.

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