Friday, May 02, 2008


It's already evening now as I type this so I will have to try to remember all that happened today.

We had a slow morning and then headed out to spend some time with some homeschooling friends. Margie and Lev played pretty well all morning and Elliott made himself comfortable with various toys.

~Before we left, we checked on our window beans. The one who was all curled up and having trouble righting himself was saved by Margie and by the time we got home this afternoon, he was looking much straighter. The other two were looking straight and tall and their leaves were fully unfurled. The last one is just beginning to sprout, I think.
~M brought her View Master to share and Lev brought his out as well. We took care not to mix them up.
~M spent some time looking at and partly reading The King Who Rained. One of my very favorite children's books.
~We listened to StoryNory's Beauty and the Beast on the way home.
~Margie set up a fort when we got home and when it collapsed, she decided it would make a better playpen for her weasel pet.
~Margie played outside with the neighbor kids. Elliott and I joined her for awhile. They watered the plants and their feet, and looked at lady bugs. I told the kids about whitefly.
~Elliott looked at some flashcards with letters and words on them and watched some Blue's Clues.
~I scanned and uploaded lots of pictures from my Holga.
~Margie and I had a long discussion about Gremlins thanks to the View Masters my family bought me when I was a kid (never did figure out why seeing as how I was terrified of the movie). Margie - as did 90% of the Planet Earth - made the connection between Gizmo and Furby.
~She quizzed me RELENTLESSLY about the Gremlins movie. For hours.

Well, my memory worked better than I thought. I will add more if I remember more.

~Margie played on Webkinz for 30 min before bed (hey, it's got math and logic and strategdy and interior design! What could be more educational?)
~Elliott and I looked at Look & Find books.

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